Buenos Aires, Argentina
may of 2o12
During the CRL's Year 2 (May 2011 - May 2012), this initiative has added the following projects to it's portfolio:
- BPW Blackberry PDF Writer
- OPW4SHPLIB Object Pascal Wrapper for Shapefile C Library
- NJSA Node.JS Addonis
- RJL Raw JSON Library
And during this contribution to the software industry and the programming community the Code Research Laboratories...
- visited by 6450 unique visitors in the 1st Year
- created first and unique library to write PDF documents on RIM's Blackberry devices enabling new offimatic horizons BPW
- helped Node.JS platform developers to create Windows addons BNWCA, NJSA
- created first and unique low-level library for JSON generation, currently the fastest for JAVA RJL
- received more software license donations from many companies of the industry
The following companies which donated software licences that are used to construct the CRL software:
the following individuals for suggestions, interest, ideas and/or encouraging words:
- Mark Daggett
-- brief: CEO at Humansized Inc. (http://humansized.com) & Pledgie co-creator for: http://twitter.com/#!/heavysixer/status/91237913991446528
- Howard Shaw
-- brief: from GBC Systems, Inc. (http://gbcsystems.com)
- Nuno Ferreira
-- brief: for contributing code to achieve the XObject images support for APW
- Blair Colson
- Reza Assareh
-- brief: Business Development Manager at Screen Interaction AB (http://screeninteraction.com) developing "Reseräkning" product for the swedish Android Market, using APW
- Alessandro Valbonesi
-- brief: from Algos Software (http://www.algos.it) developing "eStudio" product for the italian Android Market, using APW
- Giuseppe Castelli
- Hugo Mallet
- Luis Felipe Marin
- Mark Heilpern
- Sarah Palser
-- brief: from the University of Cape Town developing a tool for use by south african micro entrepreneurs, using APW
- Joseph Fernandez
-- brief: from TEKSystems
- Dina Randriantsizafy
-- brief: from the Madagascar-INSTN (Insitut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires) developing "MobiRad" midlet, a radioactive activities related tool, using MP
- Willem Vermeer
-- brief: from Peecho Tech
- John Wiebe
- Bert Belder
-- brief: NodeJS core developer, for: http://twitter.com/#!/piscisaureus/status/125576791808155648
- Akihiro Asahara
-- brief: COO at Fixstars Solutions, Inc. (http://fixstars.com)
- Sony Antony
- Tomas Verhelst
-- brief: from RootSoft, LLC. (http://www.rootsoftllc.com), for creating a APW wrapper library for Basic4Android: http://www.basic4ppc.com/forum/additional-libraries-official-updates/12840-pdfwriter.html
- Michael Whetmore
- Georg Bauer
- Ron Yust
- Lars Bin
- Sarah West
- Ed Loeffler
- Alexander Naberezhnov
- Jagat Mahapatra
- Matt Moskal
- Mike Hibbert
the following associations from which I am part of and constantly learn:
Thank you all again for your support and generosity in helping CRL reach it's goals during this second year.
Javier Santo Domingo
Code Research Laboratories